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Come Party with O Presidente // New Single, LP and Album Release Show

Come Party with O Presidente // New Single, LP and Album Release Show

Wesalums Andrew Zingg ('13) and Tobias Butler ('13) play in O Presidente, a surfy doo-wop influenced rock band from the Bay Area. O Presidente just dropped "Party with Me," a sunny, thoroughly convincing call to drop whatever you're doing and |ˈpärtē|. It's also a single off their second LP, which drops January 10th, so drop everything you might be doing then and hit up their album release show! 
Where? The Bottom of the Hill at 1233 17th Street, San Francisco 
When? January 10th, 8:30 pm (doors)
How much? $10 (advance), $12 (at the door)
Facebook event 

Aural Wes 2014 Editors' Retrospective

Aural Wes 2014 Editors' Retrospective

Interview: Awkwafina

Interview: Awkwafina