Here's a highly stylized opportunity for all the talented remixers on campus. CFA intern Aletta Brady writes in to let us know what's up: Hey friends of MUSIC and CREATIVITY!
Want to show off your musical prowess? Want to learn about remixing? Want to be more involved in your community? Well, this is for you!
There is an exciting initiative on campus this semester called MiddletownRemix. It is a project that has been realized in cities such as Milwaukee, Atlanta and New York. And it is now here in Middletown! It is a terrific way to get involved in the Arts during November (and continuing until May of 2013). The idea is that you 1. Record sounds on your smartphone (or borrow one from Green Street) and 2. Upload them to the Middletown Remix Wesbsite – http://urbanremix.gatech.
We will capture the character of Wesleyan & Middletown through sound bytes and remixes of those sounds.
What makes this initiative unique??
Middletown is running the longest initiative yet which culminates in celebration on May 11th which will include a flash mob, live remixes and more. The event will include remixes and sounds that you have compiled throughout the year and will feature the world premiere of a composition for laptop orchestra by Jason Freeman of UrbanRemix.
How do I join the project?
Easy! 1) Sign up at http://urbanremix.
For examples & inspiration visit http://urbanremix.
With questions contact Erinn Roos-Brown at eroosbrown@wesleyan.edu or Aletta Brady at cbrady@wesleyan.edu
We can’t wait to hear your sounds!