Mash 2017 Preview
Jess Best '14 // Lissy Laricchia
It's the beginning of the school year which means it's time for Wesleyan's annual music and arts festival--the MASH! Now in its sixth year, the MASH continues to be a great way for new students to check out the on-campus music scene, scope out new favorite bands, and listen to MRoth cover the Talking Heads. This year the fest is headlined by Jess Best '14. Jess has returned to campus to perform many times since her graduation, and each occasion has been special. Her soulful voice resonants elements of nostalgia, while her band's playful rhythms tend to heartfelt grooves. Check out her newest release below:
Aural Wes caught up with some of the student performers this year to give you a little preview of what's to come Saturday! Also, check out this link for this year's full schedule and lineup!
Johnnie Gilmore '18: 3:40pm at the Olin Library
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
Don't you dare ask me to "play Seinfeld." ;)
2. What are your plans for the fall?
Most of my time this fall will be spent music-directing and playing bass for "Bat Boy: The Musical," but I'll also be running jazz jam sessions every two weeks with a few fellow musicians and playing in a thesis show later this semester!
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
The senior village laundry room - wait, did I do that last year...? (No, of course I didn't. I would never.)
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
Good Lord...As a solo act, Tommy Emmanuel or Victor Wooten. (It's hard not to just say The Beatles, but I actually wouldn't wanna be the guy standing between a Beatles crowd and a Beatles show now that I think about it.)
5. Pulp or no pulp?
How on Earth did this even become a thing? For shame, Internet.
Cicero Presley: 4:20 pm at the North College Stage
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
I want everyone to know that if you have to be a one man band primarily, then make sure you have a cool name and a lot of time to dedicate to practice. I don’t play music to be cool or whatever, but it’s all about how much I can improve my art and skill. Also, knowing how to spell my name, “Cicero Presley”, when they go to their Spotify search bars would be excellent as well.
2. What are your plans for the fall?
I’m taking all the prerequisite courses to declare a music major my first semester, so that is cool. The main plan is to adjust quickly to my freshman year and to flourish socially. Live and prosper.
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
Right in front of the Physical Plant building.
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
MF DOOM, easy.
5. Pulp or no pulp?
No pulp. All juice.
Jal: 4:30pm at Foss Hill
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
I'm looking for producers! Hit me up if you make weird beats.
2. What are your plans for the fall?
Staying above water with classes, and using my music to stay sane.
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
Open mics in Chicago, to encourage young kids who look like me.
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
Chance! He's from my city and he seems to take care of his openers. Plus I heavily fuck with the contemplative vibes of his shows.
5. Pulp or no pulp?
No pulp, you heretics.
Jal with Locus, both '18
Bonanza: 2:00pm at Foss Hill
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
We're looking for a horn player and we're all very friendly so if you fit the bill, hit us up!
2. What are your plans for the fall?
We want to write originals and have this band be stress relief/creative outlet.
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
White marble terrace outside of Olin looking down on andrus.
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
Nina Simone
5. Pulp or no pulp?
The answer to this question will tear us apart as a band.
Good Morning CT: 2:30pm at Foss Hill
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
We want people to know we gonna make them dance.
2. What are your plans for the fall?
We are looking forward to writing some new material and playing tons of shows!
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
We want to play at the freeman indoor basketball courts
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
We would open for Calvin Harris
5. Pulp or no pulp?
Some pulp
MEG: 3:30pm at Foss Hill
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
Jake: Our favorite part of the day to perform is the night part
Chris: Only one of our songs have lyrics, everything else is b*llshitted on the spot
Meg: the band isn't named after me
2. What are your plans for the fall?
Jake: To become the greatest band that ever lived
Chris: go hard or go home, baby
Meg: record a new EP!
3. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
Jake: Clark lounge, baby
Chris: the secret archives underneath olin where they store all the remnants from wesleyan’s defunct natural history museum
Meg: Package Room
4. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
Jake: REO speed wagon
Chris: electric light orchestra
Meg: Fleetwood Mac
5. Pulp or no pulp?
Jake: Some pulp!
Chris: fuck pulp
Meg: ^^^^
Anna Savage: 4:10pm at the Olin Library
1. What is one thing you want new students to know about your band?
Hmm well I'm a solo act and music for me is a very very healing, evocative, and visceral experience. I really love exploring new music from different cultures and from many parts of the world. I am so happy to be performing in the Mash one last time before graduating.
2. Where at Wesleyan would you want to play that’s not a venue?
In my wood frame house on my window seat during a full moon
3. Who do you wish you were opening for, dead or alive?
Right now, Daniel Caesar. Or Natalia Doco.
5. Pulp or no pulp?
Definitely some pulp.