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Spring Fling Official Lineup

Spring Fling Official Lineup

Thanks to an invaluable, anonymous source on the Spring Fling Committee, Aural Wes has managed to get our hands on the lineup this year and oh boy, is it a doozy! Possibly one of the greatest lineups in Wesleyan's history and we're freaking….OUT!! May 10 cannot come soon enough folks.....

Also for those of you late to the party, check the date on this post ;)


MGMT, courtesy of Andy Whitton/NME

MGMT, courtesy of Andy Whitton/NME

Their “Little Dark Age” is finally over; Wesleyan’s most prized alum band MGMT is going to be returning to campus for the first time since this poorly-lit Beckham show circa mid-2000s. Armed with a bevy of new psych-pop hooks for people to sing along to, don’t think they won’t break out some classics too. Personally, Aural Wes is hoping for a return of the ‘03 Zonker classic “Funky Legal Beats”. Suffice it to say that people are gonna lose their shit for this performance.

Big Shaq


It looks like Spring Fling Committee has succumbed to the engrossing appeal of meme-rap. Rumors are that Ugly God ran into contract issues with the committee but we think Wesleyan will be more than happy to play host to the viral London rapper known as Big Shaq. A once-in-a-lifetime talent, we expect his appeal to endure for years and his career to flourish and match, if not surpass, the success of previous Spring Fling headliners like Kendrick Lamar and Chance the Rapper. Who could have gotten through 2017 without falling in love with his hit single “Man’s Not Hot”, in which he insists upon keeping his fur jacket on in the studio booth—an utterly classic bit. We’re hoping he stays jacketed up on Foss this May 10!

Esteemed Music Professor Neely Bruce


Our source on SFC tells us that because the budget was all spent on the above two artists, John Spencer Camp Professor of Music Neely Bruce is playing for free. It's definitely odd that he's taking the slot normally reserved for a student band but you won't see us complaining! You've seen his face strewn across posters all over campus advertising parts I-XV of This is It! The Complete Piano Works of Neely Bruce throughout the past few years, which makes us wonder—is this really it? An auteur renowned for his unique interpretations of serialism, grand orchestrations and early collaborations with John Cage, Professor Bruce will surely fit right in with bacchanalian spirit of Spring Fling. Join Neely for a two-hour long recital of all of his original piano music, along with—fingers crossed—a hologram of his musical idol, Charles Ives.

Check out this playlist to get acquainted with these rising acts, with a few of our personal fav tracks:

Weekend Preview 4/6 - 4/7

Weekend Preview 4/6 - 4/7

Weekend Preview 3/29 - 3/31

Weekend Preview 3/29 - 3/31