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Weekend Preview // 10/23-10/25

Weekend Preview // 10/23-10/25

Nicholas Hunt of Cypher League

Nicholas Hunt of Cypher League

See-thru folk, Willie Nelson-flooring fusion, and "get hyped for the cyph, yo!"


(+Dead Lion & Rachel Connor's Photo Show)

Eclectic // Thursday 8 PM

Facebook Event

Originally from Providence, Vio/Miré is a quartet that incorporates the soundws of reed organ, guitar, keyboard, cello, and trombone. Described as “translucent folk,” this ever-changing musical project will put on a show that soothes away your post midterm stress. Come check them out as the make a stop at Eclectic House during their tour through New England.  

Dead Lion is a project of Daniel Fishkin, who is currently pursuing an MA in Musical Composition here at Wes. With a unique/experimental sound featuring the oscilloscope, Fishkin’s performance will be rad.

Nation Beat:  (+Don Barbosa)

Alpha Delt // Thursday 9:30 PM

Facebook Event

Nation Beat is a collective of Brazilian and New Orleans musicians who fuse maracatu drumming and second line rhythms into an explosive live show that left Willie Nelson “overwhelmed.” Described by NPR’s Banning Eyre as "the most original and alluring fusion group I have heard in years,” Nation Beat will blend and bend musics from across the Americas to mend your worries and move your feet.

An apparent cross-fertilization of the two funkiest groups on campus, Don Barbosa will definitely be funky, and fertile… for fun!

Bryan Farb and the Raison Band

Usdan // Thursday AntePoste-Meridiem

Will this be your Raison d’Bryan Farb? 

Correction: it's actually karaoke. 

Sacred Tales

(+Harry T, Same Sex, & The Raised by Wolves) 

Eclectic // Friday 10:30 PM

Facebook Event

If you like alternative ambient rock, lo-fi electronic rock, post-punk psychedelic rock, or shoegazing New York, then you should definitely check out Sacred Tales at Eclectic this Friday. The tagline for their November 2013 release, Oxidized, is “totus rerum flagans, sicut experitus esse in somnia currere,” which Google translates as “All things flagans as experitus be the dream run.” What does it mean? Unclear, but if you’re as intrigued as I am, come out and ask the mysterious k. mckeown (the man behind Sacred Tales) himself this weekend!

(And then there's Harry T... !)


Fresh out of Holyoke, MA, Same Sex is a hot punk band whose killer single-track release, “demo,” is available on their Bandcamp for only $4, so be sure to cop the track and then come out to support this magical group.

A musical duo from Bethesda, MD whose two members grew up playing together, The Raised by Wolves managed to maintain a long-distance musical partnership through college and reunited stronger than ever, releasing their debut EP Sadie Hawkins in 2013. Praised by everyone from the Village Voice to the Washington Post, their cool indie/rock/pop/experimental style will be sure to touch your heart and raise your spirit.

Cypher League

(+Rhys Langston, Kai OD, & MVNTRA)

Earth House // Friday 10:00 PM

Facebook Event

Brooklyn-based media collective Cypher League encourages self-expression and artistic collaboration. While their primary web presence is in the digital publication realm, the company also provides editing and design services, as well as putting on events around the city. They’ll be bringing their organizational skills and DIY aesthetic to Wesleyan this week with a workshop on Thursday, followed by a live show on Friday. Cypherleague’s Latasha Alcindor, Nicholas Hunt, and Connor Dee will be layin’ it down in Earth House Friday night.

 Resident hairbrained rapper Rhys Langston rolls rhymes out over lush beats.

Wes producer Kai OD spins his spaced-out hyped-up beats.


Review: Dull Tools Showcase at Earth House

Review: Dull Tools Showcase at Earth House

Weekly Track Roundup #11

Weekly Track Roundup #11