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Weekend Preview 2/11 - 2/13

Weekend Preview 2/11 - 2/13

Chino Amobi. Photo by Sam Clarke

Chino Amobi. Photo by Sam Clarke


6. Stock up on frozen pizza for the weekend, there's no time for nutrition in between the smorgasbord of concerts coming up
5. Still feeling bucked by the Bronco’s from last weeks B’owl? Get off your Panther haunches and come out for the UNREAL amount of shows lined up for the coming days.
4. Physically AchINg about the sheer Number of shows this weekend. 
3. Get your TimeTurners ready this weekend, there is an EXCESS of amazing music happening in the coming days
2. Fresh snow on the slopes, fresh tunes on the dunes, too much music to possibly consume. So many shows. so so so much good music coming up.
1. It may be too late for a Valentine, but its not too late to try and catch all 80+(!!) shows happening on campus this weekend.*
*Disclaimer: We haven't actually counted the number of shows

Here we go.

+Greef & Birchbark

Earth House // Friday 10 PM

Facebook Event

Hailing from Portland, Maine, Lisa/Liza’s music crosses genres, ranging from dreamy folk to songs that are darker and more psychedelic in sound. Singer and songwriter Liza Victoria’s lyrics experiment with themes of loneliness and sadness, combining with lo-fi guitar-driven tunes to bring you along for a journey through Lisa/Liza’s personal trials and reflections.

Greef also comes to us from Portland, bringing along experimental fuzzy guitar rhythms and CDs in handmade trash packaging. Greef’s vibe is self-described as the feeling of, “trying to feel better while trying to make YOU feel better.” 

Birchbark is a heart to heart folk duo comprised of Nyanen Deng ('18) and Noah Mertz ('17). They are lovely.

birchbark gif.gif

+The Good Lonely

WestCo Cafe // Friday 10 PM

Facebook Event

MOM are coming in hot from their recent performance in Charlie Sheen’s backyard, the three-headed parental unit Ben Klausner ('18), Jonah Wolfson (‘17), and Sam Friedman (‘18) is here to pack your snacks, kiss your boo-boos and blow your mind with unique tunes that have been described as peppy/funky/dissonant psychedelic, post-pubescent, alternative mystery-rock. These are the unapologetically quirky dudes you wish you had been friends with in high school with a sound, heart and repertoire bigger than Klausner’s hair.

The Good Lonely is a freshman garage-funk band with a love for Vulfpeck and groovy tunes.

Sorority Noise
+Tiny Rick & VIOLENT MAE

Eclectic // Friday 10:30 PM

Facebook Event

Sorority Noise is an emo band, but has issues with being called an emo band. Sick of the “bastardization of depression in emo music,” they write about addiction and mental illness while avoiding the simplification of these emotional subjects into one-line lyrics and tumblr quotes. The band’s summer release “Joy, Departed” harkens that principle while achieving an energy thoughtfully balanced with aggressive breakdowns, dynamic punk and uplifting pop. Originally from Hartford, the band has played across the country and is preparing for a UK tour with Modern Baseball and a US tour with Citizen Turnover and Milk Teeth. They return to Connecticut this weekend to play a show that will break your heart, but encourage you to embrace the heartbreak. 

Trapped in a miniscule body, Tiny Rick’s music blasts forth like a deranged sonic plea. “LET ME OUT, or, at least, PASS THE CHEETOS” it screams, with fuzzed guitars and blitzed melodies frenetically slorped like Alex G in a gunked post-slushie blender. The sugar sweet licks, buried under mountains of distortion and flavored with a delightful sheen of 90’s melon(choly), leap up and let you know that the party has just started.

VIOLENT MAE became a band by accident. When Becky began to work on her first album with Floyd, artistic chemistry sparked in the studio resulted in the birth of their first album, KID. They play the kind of dark, fuzzy alt-rock that warms you and haunts you at the same time. 

Hello Shark
+Florist & M.E.G.

BuHo // Saturday 10PM

Facebook event

Hello Shark comes from Philly and plays lo-fi indie pop. On Break Arms, Lincoln Halloran sings “I don’t know why the Rolling Stones put me down,” and maybe you share this sentiment and maybe you should come hang out. 

Florist is exactly what you need when it is -9° outside on Saturday night and you are wondering why you left the comfort of your dorm room.  The Brooklyn-based DIY folk/pop band’s performance will be warm and fuzzy enough to put feeling back into your frozen hands. Florist’s songs find the spiritual in the mundane, the universal in the autobiographical. Emily Sprague sings songs with her friends about her friends. Their debut full-length release, The Birds Outside Sang, came out earlier this year, and includes standout tracks “I Was” and “White Light Doorway”. You will feel like you are in a cocoon in your own bedroom. 

M.E.G. is Meg and Jake and Chris. They are freshman and they play loud music. Catch them on the first show of their reunion tour!

McLeary McLeary
+Losergroove, Din, & newt.

ArtMuho // Saturday 10 PM

Facebook event

McLeary McLeary might sound like a long walk on the beach. There might be guitars, light percussion, or it could be just two guys with tambourines. We wish we were being facetious, but this mystery band has promised to provide ambience, luscious melody and a sense of purpose. The concert poster has a cupid on it, so stop by, you might just fall in love. 


Losergroove drifts by as you’re sitting on the front steps sometime in the dense heat of a High School summer. You bought a snow-cone from the ice cream truck but somehow... forgot about it, and it’s completely melted. The melancholy rainbow soaks into a strip of asphalt and fades. You blink up into the blinding sunlight and feel all of the past rushing up to meet the present. Losergroove’s shoegaze-driven dream pop floats out of a car window, and, holy cow, everything just makes SENSE, man. 

Din’s smooth guitar lines trickle down your matted hair, and a breeze stirs the back of your neck even though you're inside. Din’s aching melodies soundtrack an ascent from the couch to a loopy upright. All the blood rushes to your head and you become woozy, the synth line bends and warbles, bouncing between your ears. Tough to separate the sound of your gentle content with the bliss coming through your speakers, so you say f•ck it and just steep in both. 

newt. Aww, heck, the brews are kicked, there are new stains on the couch and somebody ate the chicken parm you were saving for after the party. You refuse to let it ruin your night, and pull your two closest down into the basement where newt. are the only ones left still making noise. Buzzing off of the adrenaline stored from a night in the company of better-than-acquaintances you start to sway back and forth. Grab your friends by the scruff of their neck and squeeze them close, you are absolved by the swoosh of flanged guitar, impassioned vocals and intimate percussion. Maybe everything IS getting better. 

+Rhys Langston & Locus

Earth House // Saturday 10 PM

Facebook event

KAI OD plays an mix of genres which he calls “Ocean Soul,” a mix of Hip-Hop, Experimental and Alternative. The multi-instrumentalist delivers passionate, soulful vocals and rap over intense, textured beats. KAI OD makes every effort to place his listeners in an ecstatic haze, swerving from tripped-out aqueous vaporwave to slapping stargaze-rap. This will be his last show at Wesleyan, so you definitely won’t want to miss it.  Method Mag's resident Max just released a great interview with Kai. 

Rhys Langston is a prolific poet, flowing towering tapestries of threads grammatical into your swooning, two-eared head receptacle. He’s a force in the Wes hip hop scene, set to dish out a legendary array of musical creations in 2016. Marvelously verbose, deeply rhythmic, and a very nice guy, Rhys is on fire.

Locus is Eric Poretsky's ('18) jazz-inflected beat-making project. It's chill to the bone.

Dream rave~~ (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) the return

WestCo Cafe // Saturday 10:30 PM

Facebook event

The original Westco dream rave~~ (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) Facebook event was unexpectedly cancelled last week, much to our collective, sticky, sweaty & universal dismay. But dream rave~~ (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) the return, is this Saturday at 10:30pm. Get HYPE!!!!
10:30-10:50 Thomas Rogel
10:50-11:10 Sam Dewees
11:10-11:30 DJ Nervous System
11:30-11:50 DJ Boger Hall & DJ 20 Million Dollars
11:50-12:20 akayungbath
12:20-12:40 ben² 
12:40-1:00 Sweets
1:00-1:30 tba
#cantstopraving #wontstopraving 

NON Records Showcase
Chino Amobi & SCRAAATCH

+DJ sets by DIN//VOID
& DJ Nicolas Cage/PotatoPotati/Kfeelz

Eclectic // Saturday 10:30 PM

Facebook Event

NON Records is a global collective of artists from Africa and the diaspora. They articulate the visible and invisible structures that create binaries in society and distribute power. NON'S music is uncompromising and visceral, a razor-edged barrage of politically deconstructed pop, critical culture collage, and excavated indigenous music traditions. 

Chino Amobi is a Virginia-based producer and visual artist. He looms, “hovering drone-like over the mayhem and ruins of culture; he has consistently offered incisive, brutal commentary that operates as a gesture coded between a high-five and a stab-in-the gut to culture at large” (Tinymixtapes). His full length releases unfold as techno futurist operettas for the post-internet age. His pop-music eviscerations thrill, cutting to the radical core. They make you dance and/or shiver.

SCRAAATCH is the Philadelphia-based sound, music, and digital art project of E. Jane and chukwumaa. Their free-flowing/flexing style of mixing evokes emotion and elevation of thought.

DIN//VOID is David Elkin-Ginnetti’s workshop of disruptive innovation. 

 DJ Nicolas Cage/PotatoPotati/Kfeelz are a trio of dancefloor burners.

chuckwumaa’s favorite GIF?

chuckwumaa’s favorite GIF?

Lecture and Discussion with NON RECORDS

Facebook event

To learn more about the sovereign nation state of NON, join Chino Amobi, E. Jane, and chuckwumaa at 5:30 PM in the UOC for a lecture and discussion moderated by The Ankh. There will be free food!

Strap on some boots, shut your flaptop off and trek out for a weekend packed to the gills. #lit #tunes
Be safe in the scene, respectful of others and their spaces.

Weekend Preview 2/18 - 2/20

Weekend Preview 2/18 - 2/20

Weekend Preview 2/4 - 2/6

Weekend Preview 2/4 - 2/6