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The Dead Burb aggregation collective seeks to share music amongst human beings and unveil connections and stories that make people more comfortable in producing any kind of anything.

It is new. It is for publication. It is for collaboration. It is for engagement. It is for you.


We have November releases:

Don Piano


music by adam johnson

Мой кот Маркиз первый раз увидел дочку моего друга. Он так неистово кричал все время, пока она была у нас в гостях. Это было 7 лет назад и больше не повторялось ни разу. Даже когда она приходила к нам ещё раз, кот просто шипел.

Adam Johnson is fuckin’ killin’ it. As the drummer for campus mainstays Featherwood Bee he’s killin’ it and as the guitarist for Let’s Party Hats! Hats! Hats! he’s  killin’ it. This week he released his first tracks as Don Piano, a solo hardcore project recorded in his bedroom.

In only 3 minutes and 42 seconds, Knife In Your Neck is a quick listen, but it is full of manic energy. Knife in Your Neck (the title track) opens with thick and crunchy riff that contrasts nicely with higher guitar squeaks that fill out the rest of the song cycle. In Louisiana (Blue), it’s a wild, swirling crescendo that sets up the vocals and pushes the song forward and it never looks back. Finally, on Play Doctor Johnson screams his most discernible lyrics,  “Upstairs, the colors are darker / that face, could belong to anyone” before the song settles into a more, mellow groove.

Knife In Your Neck is a quick listen for anyone wanting an excellent release of angry energy, or any kind of energy for that matter.


Pizza & Scotch

Pizza & Scotch, formerly known as Teen Girl Sex Panic, is releasing their second new recording in as many weeks. This recording is from a live show at the Westco Café opening for Robert’s Don and Featherwood Bee.

Pizza & Scotch consists of Sean Winnik ’14 on the scotchaphone and the aforementioned Adam Johnson on the pizza drums and this recording is pure conversation.

Listen to Live at WestCo Cafe 11/1/13 by Pizza & Scotch | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.

Check out this recording if you don’t understand.

Congratulations to Anthony Braxton ’13 on his recent award.

-Rachel who emailed deadurb


Outside the Burb

Music 220, 2003

Courtesy of the World Music Archive at Wesleyan University.

MGMT just released MGMT, and you can read about how they’re not making hit singles anymore somewhere else.

Their descent or rise (depending how you see it) into art-rock madness and circles of synths has been well-publicized, but long before that they were making music far less poppy than the hits from Oracular Spectacular.

This is the final concert from Music 220, a class still offered and taught by the same professor, ten years later.

MGMT are Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser. Their pieces are Van Wyngarden performed “School’s Out for Summer” and Goldwasser’s piece is “Two Radios.”

Other standouts from the album are Stephanie Jones’ Space Walk 3 and Josh Bryant’s Music for 2 Electronic Toothbrushes and 2 Instruments.

If you want to try out supercollider… one of the instruments in these pieces…

It’s free… and available here.

Listen to Dead Burb | Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio.



SandCastle once told me, “watch this!” and threw a piece of trash onto the floor of his house. Don’t Tell me what to do Don’t tell me what to do Don’t tell me what to do Ice Jane Don’t Tell Me What to DO.

 Also he has been making great love-metal tunes out of Philadelphia for a while. Check out his past releases Kisses for Witches and the stellar Wild Legend. I’ve heard that SandCastle is better than Keh$a.


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Rachel asks: “It’s a new genre in the making”

If you’d like to get involved…

Email with your comments, suggestions, thoughts, music, rants, hate mail, junkmail, and spam.

We have a new photographer.


*Wesleyan costs money