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Greyscale is a digital publication in the world (formerly) known as music criticism.   

It is an idea of album reviews based on interpretations of repeated first experiences.

Every time we interact with art, it interacts back. It has a different meaning every moment it is observed, appreciated, loathed, perhaps even ignored by the observer—we are just as much subjects to the art as it is to us, the listeners. These moments of interaction are experiences that compound on each other; Greyscale allows these experiences to be expressed without being confined to an objective value system.

I first learned about Greyscale (which was then still unnamed) over this past summer, when I received a very long and passionate message from Alex [Lee '17] explaining an idea for a collaborative project that would explore using creative mediums to express how we felt about music we listen to.  It was the perfect combination of everything I loved doing: creating art and poetry and thinking/talking about how the music I listen to makes me feel.  I am so happy/excited/pumped/thrilled etc. to show everyone what an awesome group of people has come together to make. I cannot wait to see what Greyscale evolves into over time. 

Aural Wes and Greyscale have joined forces to give you a glimpse of what Greyscale is all about and what has been created so far.   Here, you'll find interviews about what Greyscale means to different members, thoughts on the feels music stirs up in us, and some members' creative personal responses to the first album we chose to listen to, Carly Rae Jepsen's  E•MO•TION.  

Interview with Alex Lee 

Interviews with Contributors

Sample of Responses

Weekly Track Roundup #14

Weekly Track Roundup #14

Interview with Max Friedlich '17

Interview with Max Friedlich '17